(ISTFD 2023)

27-29 July 2023, Nanjing, China

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Prof. Xinliang Li

LHD, Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Prof. Xinliang Li got his Ph. D in Institute of mechanics, Chinese academy of sciences in 2000, and then worked as a postdoctoral research in Tsinghua University and Tokyo University of technology. Now, Prof. Li works as a Professor in state key laboratory of high-temperature gas dynamics (LHD), Institute of mechanics, Chinese academy of sciences (CAS).  Prof. Li is council member of China Aerodynamics Society, and he is also an associate editor of Computers & Fluids, and is the member of editorial board of Chinese Journal of Aerodynamics. Prof. Li’s major is computational fluid dynamics (CFD), turbulent flows and high-performance computing (HPC). 

Title: Direct numerical simulation of hypersonic turbulent flows accelerated by GPU 

Abstract: Hypersonic turbulent flows, such as hypersonic turbulent boundary layer transitions and hypersonic shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions, are typical phenomena in high-speed vehicles. As a powerful tool, Direct numerical simulation (DNS) plays an important role in the study of turbulent flows. However, the demand of DNS for computing resource is very large, especially for hypersonic flows.  Graphics processor unit (GPU) system has very strong computing performance, which can greatly accelerate scientific computing.   In recent years, the author’s group have developed a set of high-order heterogeneous parallel code, OpenCFD-SCU, which has achieved more than 700x speed-up ratio compared with the CPU system (a single GPU card versus a single CPU core). Now OpenCFD-SCU is open, and can be download in  In this talk, we reports the DNS works of hypersonic turbulent flows by using the GPU code. 

Following are detail:

1) Development and optimization of high-order GPU code OpenCFD-SCU; 

2) DNS studies of hypersonic turbulent boundary layer transitions;

3) DNS studies of hypersonic shock wave/turbulent boundary layer interactions.